You all might have heard of a movie being banned or some medicine or other products being banned, do you know that books are also banned? now you must be thinking why books are banned but have you ever thought why books are banned? There are many reason for a book to be banned and there are lots of books which were banned and some are still banned in some countries. 

Here are the major reasons for which the books are banned.

1) Religion
Books are banned for portraying a particular religion as a bad or disrespecting the God or Goddesses of a particular religion. This hurts the sentiments of the people following that particular religion and may also lead to riots or create violence so the books are banned. Here is the example of a banned book due to religion is 'Satanic Verses' which was written by Salman Rushdie who wrote about the prophet Mohammad's personal life which was not accepted by the Muslims and the author was threatened by the people all over the world and he had to go underground with his bodyguards and police protection. There are many other books which were banned and some are still banned due to religion.

2) Violence
Books are also banned for showing too much violence in the books which may disturb the mind of the reader and the reader might turn on wrong path and follow the path of violence so this kinds of books are also banned. The outsider is one o the books which was banned for showing too much violence in the book.

3) Sexuality
sexuality is also one of the main reason for which the books are banned because sexuality is a very personal matter and is not discussed openly so the books which talk about sex or show sexual content too much are banned because it corrupts the mind of the reader so they are banned. Beloved, The Color Purple, Lady Chatterley's Lover this are some books which were banned initially but now they are  available.

4) Supernatural Power/Evil Concept
This is also a reason for a book to get banned the famous book 'Harry Potter' was initially banned because it contains a lot of supernatural and evil spirits concepts which was not good for the students and youths to read it because it can harm the children mentally as they might start dreaming about it and they might also suffer with mental disorder or gain a fear of evil spirits and start day dreaming about all the stuff which is scripted in the book. So it was banned initially but now as you know it is available in your nearest library.

5) Government/Country
If a book speaks bad about a particular government or a country then there is the high chance of the book getting banned because a particular country or government don't want their citizens to read the books which speaks bad about their country or government.

so basically this are the major reasons for which the books are banned if you know some more reasons for which the books are banned than please mention them in the comments.

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